Thursday, September 16, 2010

Providence, Rhode Island - The promised Land! - State # 11

Earlier on in my travels, I didn't really write much or take many photos, but as time progressed that changed. I now write quite a bit, probably more than I should, but I want to remember all the details for when I am in the home at 96.  I really don't feel that I gave Providence, Rhode Island a real chance and plan on returning to capture the real essence whatever that may be. 


This summer, I came up with the idea to visit all 50 states in the US.  Now I know this isn't a new idea, but after traveling to other places around the world, I figured that it would also be a good idea to get to know my own country.
Me and the Capitol Building

Now, I have always wanted to go to Rhode Island since I was a little girl.  Why you ask?  Because it is there!  No, the truth is that when I saw that it was the tiniest state in the country I was sold.  The day I visited Rhode Island I actually had the intention of visiting Connecticut only, but my friend Chip mentioned that we were very close to Rhode Island and could hit Providence in 45 minutes from where we were.  I jumped at the chance; who wouldn't?

It was a rainy day on our way to Providence.  I have to say there wasn't much there but interstates and a big water tower that made me a little nervous.  But once we saw the sign welcoming us, my spirits lifted.  First off, Providence is close to the border so it didn't take long for us to get out of the car and onto the street.  The first place we visited was the Capitol Building, it was raining at that point so we didn't stay out long, not that there was much to do there on a Sunday in front of the Capitol building anyway.

After that, we hopped back into the car and started cruising the streets.  Instead of staying on the main drag we decided to head up to the hills where we had seen some interesting architecture.  What we found was that Providence has a lot of colleges and universities.  That and churches.  Hmm...not a lot to do.  But the thing to also consider was that it was Sunday, so maybe that was killing the vibe.  We decided we needed to hit civilization, so we hit the mall since it was open.  Now normally when I visit places, I would not go to a mall, but we were desperate!  So, we figured this would be interesting...well, for a mall. 

I have to say for a smaller city, the mall was pretty large.  So large that when we tried to leave we couldn't find our car, but I am getting ahead of myself.  Instead of a quick jaunt through the mall as we expected, we actually ended up staying a few hours.  I ended up buying $125 of stuff I didn't need; clothing, jewelry and candles; Yankee Candles, which Chip ended up breaking in the store.  He lifted it up by the lid.  Never a good idea, but he wasn't himself that day.  You could tell they were annoyed, but they were very nice about it.  Good thing I bought something to soften the blow.

Because God Loves Neon!
After a while, we got really hungry and decided to grab some dinner. Chip suggested a restaurant called Fire and Ice.  I wasn't so sure, but nothing else was open.  It was Sunday!  So we grabbed a couple of bowls, threw some food into them and took them to the grill where it was prepared to our liking.  It was pretty good until I saw the bill. $24 for a plate of food!  The woman asked if we wanted more, I told her we were done, she looked shocked.  I guess getting one round isn't usual.  But because I don't like to stuff myself, I paid the price...all $24 of it.  Per Person!  That is why I like to choose smaller less trendy venues, but you live and learn.

After dinner, we decided it was time to leave, but we couldn't find our car because we didn't exit the right doors, but after the big dinner we needed the walk so it all worked out.  The rain finally started to clear as we hit the freeway.  But before we left, we were left with one of our most memorable visuals of Rhode Island; a neon blue cross looming over the gloom.  God loves neon, my friend.

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