Thursday, September 9, 2010

Let's Start at the Very Beginning, a Very Good Place to Start...

I finally decided that it was time create my own blog rather than keep all my writings on my computer or other random places.  This seemed ideal as of now as I am too cheap to create my own website and not the most computer savvy when it comes to designing.  Also, this is a way for family and friends to read about my travels without having to log into a site that they have no interest in.

In Awe of Nature
Most of my trips have occurred over the last three years and are still going strong.  I figure I might as well do it now while I am young and healthy with little responsibility.  Things happen fast in life, so do it now or regret it later.

One of my main goals with traveling is to hit all 50 states plus DC.  I call it the cleverly named, "50 State Project"  which is usually followed by a loud and enthusiastic "woo hoo!"  I love visiting other countries, but something has to be said about the diversity of the United States.  

I have found so many people in this country who have traveled little in the US which is a shame.  The landscape and people are so completely different from state to state if not from city to city within the same state.  The more states I hit the more I realize just how unique each state is.  I can't wait to hit them all!  Though, I won't lie, some are more interesting than others.  Though I will say there have been times when I have been pleasantly surprised.

The first several posts will be from past trips as I want them to be available to my family and friends who want to see them all in one place.  This place for the time being.  Though be warned I am still working on the page style as I am new here so it will be going through a lot of tweaking whether it be good or really bad.

Let the games begin!

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