Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mystic, Connecticut - Mystery And Intrigue! - State # 10

This was one of many day/weekend trips that I would be hitting over the next few months.
The Northeast is small and it's easy to visit many states unlike in the west where crossing a state could take over 10 hours.  I didn't spend as much time in the earlier states as I would have liked and have now adjusted my style so I can absorb more sites.

The Seaport

Connecticut was next on my journey through the US.  Why?  because it is close to NYC and I had a free day!  So, my friend Chip and I got into his car, grabbed some Dunkin' Donuts, (coffee and an egg and cheese sandwich) and hit the open road early Saturday morning. 

The Mystery of the Margarita Glass
Chip's mom is all about my travel project and suggested Mystic Seaport since she had been there a few times and really enjoyed it herself.  So, Chip and I took her suggestions and hit the freeway.  There really wasn't much to see at first, though the parkways were really green.  After an hour, we decided we needed some fuel and a break, so we stopped at a gas station and filled up the car.  We also used the restrooms and stocked up on donuts and cornnuts.  Though Chip wants you to know, it was me who stocked up on the Cornnuts.  He had never seen or eaten them before and promptly opened up his window after I opened up the barbeque ones.  He said it was the most disgusting thing he had ever smelled.  Me thinks someone needs to get out more!

After another 45 minutes, we got to our destination: Mystic!  We quickly exited the car in anticipation, but as we headed to the admissions area we passed by a barrel with a broken margarita glass.  Huh?  There were margaritas at the seaport?  Score! So after that find, Chip and I rushed to the entrance.  But before we got there we were distracted by a wonderful sight! The Melville Marathon which takes place every year on July 31 - August 1st.  During this time, there is a 24 hour reading of Moby Dick.  I am sorry to say we missed this event by two days, but I got a cool picture next to the banner which is almost as good.  Count me in next year!

Moby Dick Marathon!!!
Finally, Chip and I got to the ticket counter.  Now I am not into water or ships, but wanted to keep an open mind.  It was pretty spendy, ($17) for a full days pass and if you wanted to do anything extra (planetarium) it would cost you a few more bucks.  There really wasn't enough to do to merit a $17 admission.  But I forked over the cash anyway and prepared myself for the wonders of Mystic.

First off, it was really hot that day.  Not just hot, but so hot and humid that Chip had to buy a new shirt after our little jaunt.  It was like a sauna!  I also soon realized that there weren't many trees at Mystic Seaport, but then again, why would there be?  But after going into a few shops and looking at boats from afar, Chip and I decided to hit the Planetarium to escape the heat since we couldn't find the margaritas anywhere! 

Nerd alert!  I have to admit that I have loved planetariums ever since my Dad introduced me to them when I was a kid, but the projector they were using was the same model they were using when my Grandfather was 8.  Still, it was cool in the room and the guide to the stars was humorous; though you know he had been doing the same schtick for many years.  In fact, someone in the audience said he remembered him from when he was in school.  Mind you the guy who said this had a son who was about 12 with him!  You do the math...

After that show, we decided that the whole point of Mystic Seaport was to see the ships, so we went on board a few of them to find they were really small.  I mean really, really, small and let me tell you I am not a big girl.  Chip is well over 6 feet tall, 7 feet to be exact; he couldn't even stand up.  I snapped some photos of Chip struggling to stand below deck for a few giggles, but decided to keep those for my private collection since he knows where to find me.  Just kidding, I put it up have to take risks in life, my friend.

I have to say it was kind of cool going on the ships, because it gives you new found respect for these guys who were on these things for months.  Kudos to them because after 10 minutes I had to get off.  Between the cramped quarters, the smell of mildew and the heat that made hell feel like a walk in freezer, I had had enough.  I guess some people weren't made to be sea folk.

So, Chip and I walked along the dirt roads and checked out the other sites.  I sort of envied the nice homes across the water.  They have such a beautiful view.  It was a nice trip, my only beef was that they had carriage rides and the horses looked miserable.  They were sweating profusely and were moving so slowly.  I found it inhumane and both Chip and I had seen enough and left.

As we were heading back to the car, we passed a man who had a 40 ouncer hidden in a brown bag.  He was wandering the parking lot looking at all the cars and motorcycles making comments about them to his beer.  I think I finally solved the mystery of the margarita glass...

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