Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Haunted by Pigeons

For some reason, I am being haunted by pigeons.  While sleeping in the morning, I heard my cat freaking out about something by the window while hearing the sound of something tapping on the window.  Living in NYC, I was horrified as I didn't wan to see what was tapping outside of my window even if it was the daytime.  I opened the screen to see this!

Crazed Tapping Bird!

Horrifying!  Just look at the beady eyes on that thing!  I tried to shoo him away by hitting the glass, but he only pecked more.  I finally went back to bed, threw the covers over my head and went back to sleep.  No big deal, it had never happened before and I doubt it will ever happen again, the odds are with me as there is no reason for him to return as it is a crappy place to nest and there is no food!

Later on in the week, I was going home on the subway but there were problems with the line, go figure as the MTA stinks!  Because of a problem on my train's line, I was forced to take another train to the end of the line and then take my train back up to my stop.  It sucked, but I soon was amused by the spotting of this guy.

Didn't Pay Full Fare

He had gotten on the train at Stillwell and decided to take train to the next stop.  Well, I am glad someone is getting a good deal from the MTA!  I had to wonder though if he would take the train back to find his family and friends.  Do pigeons mate for life?  Do they have friends? I doubt it, as they are pretty greedy creatures so I figure they probably don't get to attached to places or other pigeons.  I just hope if he does have responsibilities he made it back in time.  Probably not though as the trains are rarely on time.  Just for the hell of it, here is another shot as it made me laugh for a good 2 minutes making me look like a crazy person.  Odd, because you don't normally see too many crazy people on the NYC subway system...

Looking for a Seat Before the Upcoming Busy Stop

Good times!  But my pigeon encounters didn't stop there, which frightens me!  Yes, they are everywhere in NYC, but they aren't normally this bold or obvious.  You just learn to dodge them, especially the ones that dive bomb your head.  They just become a normal fixture of NYC much like piles of puke on Saturday night and the dog poo you are forced to avoid thanks to the careless owners who don't pick up the special delivery from their pooches.  But this week, the pigeon encounters kept coming fast and furious

It started on Saturday.  After a stop at Starbucks for a big ass coffee due to my extra early class on Saturday morning, I headed towards the college.  It was early yet to head to class and I made the decision to take a walk around the neighborhood rather than go downstairs to the basement of hell at my college to try to force myself to stay awake as the process of the Linear Regression was explain ad nauseum.  Look, there is no way to make stats fun, period.  See, this is what I do when I am early to functions.  Take a walk around the neighborhood rather than be cooped up inside hating life.  Even in my day to day life, I get antsy, thus my life is one big wanderlust.  I get bored easily and would rather get lost in the sights of the city and sounds of my iPod.

While turning a corner, I noticed a huge moving mass on the ground.  As first, I wasn't sure what it was until I got closer.  But soon it became clear.  There was at least 75 pigeons swarming to get something on the ground.  I had no idea what it was, I don't know if I wanted to know what was there.  Could it be The Ark of the Covenant, the Passage to Atlantis, or did I possibly just find Waldo?  The truth is I never found out as I didn't want to get anywhere near that mass for fear they would freak out and come at me crapping all over me before class.  In the end, I only got these pictures before running away to the safety of the next avenue over.  If I am brave enough, I may venture to the street next week to see f they are still there.  Why?  Because it is disgusting yet fascinating.  See for yourself:

Disturbing Yet Fascinating! 

 Hopefully this trend o'pigeons will end this week and I will be able to go back to my normal relationship them. 

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