Friday, December 3, 2010

Highway Madness and Final Thoughts on West Virginia

Dirty After a Long Day of Hiking

So I would like to talk about how amazing our last day of our adventure was, but the reality is that nothing really happened as we were heading back to NYC.  We got up early refreshed and ready to go.  Okay, not so refreshed as we had been burning the candle by both ends, but the hotel room was really clean compared to the one the night before.  The breakfast was okay, mostly carbs and more carbs, though they did have yummy bagels as was requested by Noah. 

Yes, on the request form that is on their website Noah was a smart ass and wrote, “Please make sure you have some yummy bagels.”  It was damn funny at 2:00AM when the hotel was booked, but we had forgotten about it until the guy who checked us out asked if we had found the bagels they had out on the spread “yummy.”  I lost it and went into a laughing fit while Noah replied, “Indeed, thank you very much!”

Entering West Virginia
So off we went to make it back to Philadelphia where we would catch our bus home.  The ride was crazy in the morning on the route we took, so we decided to go onto a highway that had a toll.  Because of the toll, most people bypassed it, but let me tell you, it was a dream!  Hardly anyone is on it and it is quite spacious.  It was worth the $7.00 we paid just to escape the headache of dealing with stupey drivers.

There is a refreshment area before you get too far onto the highway which was nice.  There we decided to grab a coffee as we were pretty tired.  Let me just say this place was not as amazing as we thought it would be even though it was in the toll area.  First off, some crazy woman wearing pajamas walked out of the building carrying food even though Noah had held the door for me as I was halfway through already.  I have to be calm around rude people like that as it is hard for me not to say something, but after she pushed through, I walked through the doors saying “thank you” to Noah.  She replies, “yep” as if she had done me a favor.  I had a few choice words to say which will not be repeated.  It takes a lot to make me lose my cool!

Point Pleasant
Noah laughed and reminded me that we would be getting a Starbucks which would make me happy as their coffee is strong enough to keep me going.  When we walked up to the counter, no one was there.  About two minutes later, the guy who was working there came back after he was done talking to the person at the Subway counter.  The guy stared at me in a way that made me a little uneasy, he never blinked!  As I began my order, a fly went past the guy’s face and he caught it in his hand squishing it, his eyes never leaving my face and his eyes still didn’t blink.  We grabbed our coffees and got out of the area as fast as possible, it was all just too weird.

As we walked out to our car, we were surprised to see three dudes leaning against it having a conversation.  Okay, this place was a freak show!  When they saw me entering the car two of the guys moved while the third one didn’t care.  I finally had to ask him to please get off of our car so Noah could get in.  This place was crazy!

Crazy Turtle!
In the end, it saved us a lot of time and we got to our destination an hour early.  It was worth it, I just wouldn’t stop at that scary area ever again for a pit stop as it was way to questionable.  Back in Philadelphia we decided to see if we could get onto an earlier bus as it was pretty empty and we didn’t want to stay there for an additional hour and a half as we didn’t feel it would give us a lot of time to do anything. 

I have to say that in the end, I really loved West Virginia.  Yeah, people will make comments about it saying that it isn’t one of the more interesting states or make fun of it for other reason.  Well, I am here to say that they are wrong.  West Virginia rocked!  If you are an outdoorsy person, get there quick, you will love it.  Even if you are not, there is still plenty to do and their weekly festivals are a blast.  Example, there was the Road Kill Festival that next weekend.  We were disappointed to be missing it, but were satisfied that we had finally gotten to the Mothman festival, so it didn't matter.

So thank you West Virginia for showing me a good time!

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