Sunday, December 5, 2010

Goodbye Fall, Hello Cold, Cruel Winter

A Walk Through Central Park

First off, thanks to the people who emailed me about the blog it is really appreciated.  And they weren't even my family or friends but people who stumbled on the site.  This blog is a great way to let my family and friends know what I am up to, but I am happy if others enjoy it.  I haven't been on as much lately due to my impending finals, auditions and job search.  Life has been busy, but good!  Onto what's new...

Fall is still in full swing until December 21st, but it sure feels like winter is here full force.  Then again, I am a cold weather lightweight.  If it dips below 50, I will complain, a lot.  It has been in the 30’s and 40’s and even with many layers of clothing, I am still freezing.  Good times for me until the end of April.  That’s what I get for being a Californian, a weather wimp.

Still, I never get tired of the sites of NYC, especially as the seasons change.  I am a fan of photography and take way too many photos trying to capture everyday life.  Ah, another artistic endeavor I cannot make a living off of!  Yay!!!

So now, I would like to bid a fond farewell to Fall, even though technically is is still Fall.  Too bad!  When it drops into the 30’s, it's officially Winter, even if it is in the middle of Summer.

So enjoy some of the sights around NYC amid the changing leaves:

Most of the pictures were taken in Central Park.  Central Park is the best place to see the leaves change in NYC because there are so many trees unlike the rest of Manhattan.  I miss trees, well, nature in general, though I see plenty of animals on the subway everyday...  The day I took these photos, I was wasting time in Central Park rather than doing what I should be doing, studying.  Nature trumps boring subjects I didn't want to take anyway!

Nature's Fireworks in Central Park

Three of the photos were taken in Washington Square Park when my friend Angie and crew came to visit in NYC for a few days.  They had never been to Washington Square Park and we happened to be in the area.  There were some great photo opportunities due to the lighting from the clouds breaking after a brief rainstorm.  These pictures were taken earlier than the Central Park photos so the trees were just starting to change.  There also was a great shot of a person peeing in a fountain, but I don't really care for those kind of nature shots...

Washington Square Park

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