Friday, January 28, 2011

We Need More Snow in NYC

Yum!  Fresh!

I know most people with disagree with me on this, but snow sucks!  Do I ever like it?  Nope!  This isn't a new thing for me either.  Ever since I was a kid, I have hated snow.  I just never understood the appeal!  I remember the first time I ever saw snow.  Being from California, I rarely came in contact with it.  In fact, I think I was 6 the first time I came face to face with it.  

One day, I woke up and there it was almost by magic!  I had never seen it in person, only on random TV shows here and there.  My Mom thinking this was a defining moment of my life bundled me and my brothers up and sent us on our way.  My first reaction to the barely covered green grass peaking out the blanket of thin snow?  There wasn't enough if it!  Maybe enough for a tiny baby snowman, definitely not enough for snow angels or sledding.  My second reaction?  This is colder than hell, I am going back inside where it's warm! From the comfort of my house I directed the making of the snowman, nose pressed against the chilly glass of the window pane.  As time passed, this sentiment did not changed,  I still hate snow!

I know most people find it to be pretty and peaceful, but they apparently have never lived in NYC!  It is even worse here!  In NYC, the snow lingers a lot longer than many other places.  Sure snow lingers in places like Wisconsin and Minnesota, but the difference is you do not have the amount of people in these places that you do in NYC.  By the end of the first 24 hours, there will be dirt, trash, dog poop and even vomit embedded in the snowdrifts.  Yes, vomit!  Why?  Because that's what the drunks do every damn night!  Puke!  In the end, the "pretty" snow ends up being defaced by the grossness that can be NYC.

Face Plant Snow Angel
Sadly, a few nights ago, we were hit by yet another snowstorm.  When I moved to NYC, I knew that the winters were a lot harsher than on the West Coast, but I never signed up for this craziness!  My friend from Wisconsin is even baffled by how insane the weather has been and he likes snow!

When the snow hit Thursday, nobody expected it to be as hardcore as it was, they only expect 2-3 inches to accumulate.  In my hood, we got about 8 inches while other areas got over a foot!  Unacceptable!  But who are you going to complain to?  Pretty much anyone who will listen, but it still won't do jack as Mother Nature will just tell you to shove it and dump another foot of snow on your ass!  Fantastic!

So on Thursday, struck with another bout of insomnia, me and my roommate ran outside at 2:00AM to finally have fun in the snow before the dog crap and Friday night puke desecrated it.  You have to move fast in these here parts my friend.  Look, I can't travel much in winter, in fact, I hate leaving the apartment, so I decided to flip my mind and pretend that I was in the Alps frolicking through the newly fallen snow.  It worked until I found a rat burrowed into the snow digging into a newly dumped trash bag...lovely!

So enjoy the marvels of the aftermath of 5 blizzards in NYC.  My favorite photo is the Hill O'Snow as I like to call it.  Its humble beginnings began in December during the first blizzard!  I am scared to know what lies at the depth of its center but will find out come April!

Climbing Everest!

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