Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mochi Green Tea Ice Cream Bon Bons!!!

I Present the Mochi Ice Cream Bon Bon!

Every year around this time I start to get that strong urge to get the hell out of my apartment and NYC in general.  Why?  Because I feel as if I have been holed up in one building only to go straight to another one and become holed up again!  I can’t stand the cold and feel like a hibernating bear trying to find that one special den to keep my cold butt happy all winter long until the weather improves.  Look, I know the groundhog predicted only six more weeks of winter, but I know better, the little dude is usually wrong and I know how NYC rolls.

Yep, I Tore Into the Packaging Like a Wild Animal!!!

Recently I have been thinking a lot about my trip to Japan several months back.  It really is an amazing country with so much culture and tradition, beautiful temples and wonderful food, especially the sweets.   So while walking through my local Asian Market to pick up some red rice wine and water chestnuts I stumbled upon the freezer section.  I was happy to see my favorite shrimp dumplings and grabbed a bag but not before my eyes came upon an amazing sight…Mochi Ice Cream Bon Bons!  Yes, Mochi Ice Cream Bon Bons in six delicious flavors! Immediately I was struck by the mango and red bean flavors, but I knew what my heart really yearned for and dug into the back of the freezer until I came upon what I desired most, the green tea mochi!  Yes, I love green tea anything, it's a subtle flavor when used in sweets, but a delicious one.  I also contemplated getting the mango ones, but the price was pretty steep, $4.50 for a box of 8!  I understand that it is a specialized product so I paid the cashier and was off.

Bag to Keep the Mochi Freezer Burn Free!
Vulnerable Mochi

I won’t lie, I know it is strange to be eating ice cream when it is 26 degrees outside, but I was missing Japan and some of the yummiest treats I had ever encountered.  Well, I will say this, the mochi ice cream did not disappoint.  Mochi is a unique consistency and one that many people many may not care for.  Me, I had to walk away before I ate the whole damn box!  The mochi was perfection while the ice cream was the perfect light creamy flavor I expect from my green tea ice cream.  The bon bons are small, but that is normal for Japanese desserts as with most places in the world, the proportions are small in comparison to the insanity of American plating.

Sweet Mochi Goodness

Though the ice cream is expensive, I fear that in the next few weeks, I may drop around $15.00 for three different kinds as the Mochi Ice Cream has affected me much like coffee does, it is like crack!  This time I would like to get the Mango and Red Bean Paste Mochi along with the Green Tea; it really is my favorite.  Yes, they have flavors like chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, but those are flavors I can get from the local freezer case everyday though not in mochi form.  I miss you Japan.  I love you mochi… 

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