Friday, February 4, 2011

My Obsession With Wagashi Continues...

Yummy Ysuya
This week while walking through midtown I came across Minamoto Kitchoan a Japanese Wagashi store that specializes in Japanese pastries.  I knew the place existed as my friend had told me about it and had even bought me a few samples before our trip to Japan a few months back.  For some reason, the place had slipped my mind but lately I have been having cravings for delectable Japanese sweets as they had become an obsession while traveling in Japan.  So with a giddy step in my gait, I skipped through the glass door leading me into the promised land that would satisfy all my wagashi cravings.

Cute Packaging Ensures Freshness 
My first impression was the minimalistic approach that was taken with the decor, it did remind me of some of the specialty stores that I had set foot in while visiting both Kyoto and Tokyo.  The store is very clean and bright with several display cases holding the different types of treats.  You can buy the sweets individually or in boxes for gifts.  One of my favorite aspects was how traditional the store was as far as service.  the woman was very polite and placed all of my items in a very cute bag with a little cover on top to keep the treats from getting ruined from the rain.  Also when she took my money she put it onto a tray and then handed my money back to me on the same tray which is how it is done in Japan.  

Because the sweets are imported from Japan several times a week, they are more expensive then other pastries you may get around Manhattan for example in Chinatown.  To me, it's worth it as they are made in Japan with some of the finest ingredients and the presentation of the treats are beautiful!  They do have a stamp card available for frequent buyers.  For every $5.00 you spend you get a stamp and after 20 stamps you get a $5.00 gift card.  That is a lot of mochi, but after trying the treats I know I will have no problem filling the card.

Must Have More Kumquat Mochi!!!
I bought four different treats while in Minamoto Kitchoan: Tenkataihei a little fish filled with red bean paste, Ysuya which is a pancake filled with red mean paste (yes I love red bean paste!), a chestnut flavored treat that I don't remember the name of and my absolute favorite a mochi filled with white bean paste and kumquat.  The woman who helped me mentioned this mochi was her favorite and after eating it, I whole heartedly agree!  It was amazing and if they have a box of these on my return, I may have to take out a small loan to invest in a box! 

So thank you Minamoto Kitchoan and the green tea mochi ice cream for satisfying my cravings for Japenese sweets.  Lately I have been having withdraw and this is a perfect way for me to enjoy the sweet tastes of Japan while sipping green tea as I flip through my cherry blossom photos. 

Wagashi Unleashed!
The Magic of Red Bean 

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