Saturday, June 18, 2011

Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge, Finally!

The Brooklyn Bridge!

Yay Baby!
You know how some people say you should do something that scares you every day?  Well, I took this to heart before I got off of the subway to get to the Brooklyn Bridge.  I hate bridges, I hate bridges a lot!  It isn't the height or the bridge itself, but rather the whole water thing that bugs me.  I really am terrified of deep water which mystifies some.  Look everyone is afraid of something so I have learned not to judge people based on their fears, but some just can't understand the fear of water.  I can’t explain it, it is just reality!

After exiting the R train at City Hall, the bridge was several blocks away giving me time to rethink the whole bridge crossing thing.  My friend Noah knew what I was up to as he saw the whole caged animal looked written all over my face.  He told me I had wanted to do this and it was high time I did it! 

Woo Hoo the Verizon Building!
Slowly the bridge came into view as we past City Hall.  Look, it is a great bridge not my favorite as that honor belongs to the Verrazano Bridge, but it is a close second!  The walk towards it wasn't all that bad and I didn't really feel as if I was on a bridge at first.  But as the notorious wires came into view, I knew there was no turning back.  The only way to get over the fear, get an adrenaline rush by doing a big jump photo!  And I did!  I did the mother of all jump photos!  After that, I was ready!

First off, there were five billion people on the bridge, mostly tourists.  Not really a problem as it is a very touristy activity, but I didn't think it would be as crowded as it was, it was mind blowing! The second thing to note is that there are a lot of joggers running on the bridge and they get pretty pissy at people for walking on the bridge leisurely or for stopping to take photos.  This has always struck me as odd in NYC.  I used to run track in school and one of the worst surfaces you can run on is concrete, it is bad for the knees.  Next, you live in NYC, don't get annoyed with people for walking on the sidewalks, they are there for walking, not jogging, especially at rush hour.  And lastly, when you run, you take in large amounts of oxygen.  Why would you want to run in a congested place with tons of traffic just to inhale fumes deeply into your lungs when you could just go to the park?  This defeats the whole heath benefit aspect.  Rant over...but be aware, there are a lot of cars going across the bridge as well, they are just on the lower level, but you will smell the lovely exhaust at times.Just a note, because of the cars below, you never really come close to being near the edge by the water on the bridge which made it less painful and almost fun for me.  The bad thing is that when the traffic gets going you can feel the movement from time to time or maybe I am just a big baby!

I Survived and Got a Decent Pic!
There are two areas where you can pull over and get great photos of the skyline without pissing anyone off.  That is where you will find many tourists getting photos with the Empire State Building and the iconic Verizon Building.  I even got a photo to prove that I had survived my walk across the bridge.  Yay!

In the end, I think that walking over the bridge is great thing to do while in NYC, but be aware that it is windy a lot of the time which is great during the summer months, but bad news during the winter months unless you are a real thrill seeker.  At the end of the 45 minute walk a great time was had by all, and maybe just maybe if asked again, I would go if only to get my photo with the Verizon Building again.

Friday, June 3, 2011

International Pillow Fight Day 2011!

It Begins

Ah, there was excitement in the air as today I would be attending the annual International Pillow Fight Day!  Unfortunately, due to an early morning Geology class, yes Geology, I had to be up by 6:30AM making me pretty damn tired!  So 6 hours and a big ass coffee later, I was ready to meet my friend for the main event!

Heading down to Union Square I couldn't help but be pleased with the weather.  It was a little chilly, but still the best weather we have had for a long time.  I eventually found my friend and was surprised to see he had bought full body pillows which seemed pretty damn lethal!  Apparently they were the cheapest thing at the local .99 cent store yet they cost 5.99!  Ah, I love a good mystery!

Wee, Let's Kick Some Ass!
Before entering the arena, you get checked by an officer to make sure you have a pillow and nothing inside it to hurt anyone.  I have a feeling that most police officers wouldn't mind working this gig as you get to see a lot of idiots assaulting each other with pillows and you don't need to step in but just watch the action.
Stepping into the arena, everything seemed innocent enough, but I did feel a little like an extra in Gladiator.  Well, except I had a stupid bag over my shoulder that included a laptop to take notes in class.  Trust me, Maximus would have used it if he had one!

It started out innocent enough.  Everyone stood around chatting waiting for the big countdown to occur.  Once it did, you could see everyone taking their stance pillow above head.  As the countdown hit 0, all hell broke loose. 

Immediately, a crazy frenzy of pillow hitting enveloped the group and I soon lost sight of my friend.  As I got pummeled by 3 pillows at one time, I realized that I may never see him again and after battling my foes, and nursing my wounds, I may have to skip dinner at my favorite Vietnamese restaurant and head back to Brooklyn by myself hoping he made it out okay.

Apparently, it had turned out that he wanted a little more action and headed into the center of the arena in search of the crazies pillow fighters from hell as he apparently had some pent up aggression he needed to get rid of.  Let me put it this way, he has four brothers, he is use to receiving and inflicting large amounts of pain.
Punk is Going Down
I remained on the outskirts of the arena but I soon learned that this was not a happy fun event for the faint of heart.  People were hitting people full force and had even hidden heavier items in their pillows to inflict more damage.  People were getting bruised pretty badly due to these imbeciles who enjoy taking it to the next level.  I eyed a bunch of parents with small children from the corner of my eye.  They soon realized that unfortunately in NYC events like this can take a change for the worst due to idiots who don’t want to play fair.

I did stay in the action for a good 15 minutes before realizing after being kicked in the shin full force that it was only going to get worse as the adrenaline got pumping higher.  That and my stupid laptop was holding me back from swinging the pillow over my head full force.  I know how to wield a pillow trust me, but I also needed those notes for finals if I ever had any hopes of getting into graduate school.  Priorities my friend! So in search of my friend, I pulled over to the side of the arena. There I spotted a few small children and decided to have a little fun whacking them with tiny hits so that they could get into the action with someone who was not out to kill anyone.  You haven’t lived until you are ganged up on by a group of 5-6 six year olds.

After another 10 minutes, my friend finally came over red in the face with a look of satisfaction.  He apparently had kicked the hell out of several punks who were loading their pillows with extras when they tried to gang up on him.  He knew what to do, again he has four brothers.  I was raised around all brothers too, but for some reason this was just way too crazy for me.

Getting the Aggression Out!
As we walked out of the arena, I asked him if he would do it again knowing what it was like.  The photos online make it seem like this happy little childhood place of happy pillow fights and puppy dogs.  It is not.  It was more like a scene out of some crazy prison movie!  He said he would definitely be back next year as he thought it was a lot of fun to beat the hell out of people with pillows, especially the punks.  Me not so much.  Maybe I was just made to be a spectator in the wonderful world of pillow fighting.

So know the facts before you go to Union Square.  It is nothing like the photos!  It is pure chaos and there are punks in the group looking to hurt other people because they suck.  I wouldn’t advise bringing small kids here, I really wouldn’t.  Just know that once you go into the arena, you will be hurt in some way unless you really didn’t participate.  My bruise finally healed after a week and a half.  

But there are some fun aspects as well.  It is a freak show in the greatest sense! People come in full costume to partake in the madness which adds to the surreal experience.  You can tell that these people have been to the event many times before and had no hesitation getting into the mix.  Also know that if someone gangs up on someone too aggressively goodness will prevail as many strangers will band together to kick this person’s ass.  That was a lot of fun to watch as many had watched these punks take out people who couldn’t defend themselves with packed pillows.  We watched in satisfaction as they got nailed by 5-10 bystanders who didn’t like the way they played.  Good will always beat out evil, even in pillow fights!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thinking of Japan

Temple Grounds in Nara

Japan is one of those special countries that you have a hard time erasing from your memory once you have left it.  Last Spring was my first trip to Japan, and while there, I knew it was special.  It is completely different from any of my travelling experiences thus far as it is a country rich in history, culture and deep rooted traditions.  

After I returned form Japan, I had hundreds of beautiful photos to go through along with amazing memories that kept swirling through my head.  It had been a successful trip and one that had definitely made it into my top three countries visited.  

Deer in Nara
As Spring approaches, I find myself thinking about it often. I can't get Japan out of my mind for soon Cherry Blossom season will be upon the country making Japan even more unforgettable than it already is.  You haven't fully lived until you have seen Cherry Blossom season in Japan.  To see the hundreds of people walking down the row of cherry blossoms in Ueno Park in an attempt to get the perfect photo.  You haven't lived until you walk through the historic streets of the Gion district of Kyoto trees in full bloom, hoping to get a glimpse of the Geiko (Geisha) as they hurry off to a nearby teahouse.  You haven't lived until you have walked through the traditional temples of Nara feeding the deer that dot the landscape cherry blossoms floating like light pink snow after a quick wisp of wind rustles through the trees.  It really is special and indescribable.  The longer I am away, the more special Japan becomes to me.  It really does stay with you in a way may places can't, it truly is magical.

I had thought about possibly going back this year, but having been there before, my travelling partner wanted to see something new.  Also, with the problems with the reactors and lack of supplies due to the earthquake now is most likely not the best time which is unfortunate.  For me, I am most impressed with how the Japanese are dealing with this tragedy.   There has not been one documented case of stealing anywhere within the region.  In fact, there are many cases of people sharing what they have with other people for the greater good of the community.  This most likely would not happen in any other country in the world.  To me, this speaks volumes about Japan and its integrity. 

Once everything settles, I would encourage everyone to go to this wonderful country.  You can see through this experience what an amazing and strong country Japan truly is.  Watch closely, in the next few years, Japan will come back better and stronger than before and I hope to go back to see it for myself.

I am thinking of you Japan during this difficult time and I can't wait to come back, you truly are unforgettable.   Text Red Cross to  90999 to Donate $10.

Springtime in Nara
Blossoms in Tokyo

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Obsession With Wagashi Continues...

Yummy Ysuya
This week while walking through midtown I came across Minamoto Kitchoan a Japanese Wagashi store that specializes in Japanese pastries.  I knew the place existed as my friend had told me about it and had even bought me a few samples before our trip to Japan a few months back.  For some reason, the place had slipped my mind but lately I have been having cravings for delectable Japanese sweets as they had become an obsession while traveling in Japan.  So with a giddy step in my gait, I skipped through the glass door leading me into the promised land that would satisfy all my wagashi cravings.

Cute Packaging Ensures Freshness 
My first impression was the minimalistic approach that was taken with the decor, it did remind me of some of the specialty stores that I had set foot in while visiting both Kyoto and Tokyo.  The store is very clean and bright with several display cases holding the different types of treats.  You can buy the sweets individually or in boxes for gifts.  One of my favorite aspects was how traditional the store was as far as service.  the woman was very polite and placed all of my items in a very cute bag with a little cover on top to keep the treats from getting ruined from the rain.  Also when she took my money she put it onto a tray and then handed my money back to me on the same tray which is how it is done in Japan.  

Because the sweets are imported from Japan several times a week, they are more expensive then other pastries you may get around Manhattan for example in Chinatown.  To me, it's worth it as they are made in Japan with some of the finest ingredients and the presentation of the treats are beautiful!  They do have a stamp card available for frequent buyers.  For every $5.00 you spend you get a stamp and after 20 stamps you get a $5.00 gift card.  That is a lot of mochi, but after trying the treats I know I will have no problem filling the card.

Must Have More Kumquat Mochi!!!
I bought four different treats while in Minamoto Kitchoan: Tenkataihei a little fish filled with red bean paste, Ysuya which is a pancake filled with red mean paste (yes I love red bean paste!), a chestnut flavored treat that I don't remember the name of and my absolute favorite a mochi filled with white bean paste and kumquat.  The woman who helped me mentioned this mochi was her favorite and after eating it, I whole heartedly agree!  It was amazing and if they have a box of these on my return, I may have to take out a small loan to invest in a box! 

So thank you Minamoto Kitchoan and the green tea mochi ice cream for satisfying my cravings for Japenese sweets.  Lately I have been having withdraw and this is a perfect way for me to enjoy the sweet tastes of Japan while sipping green tea as I flip through my cherry blossom photos. 

Wagashi Unleashed!
The Magic of Red Bean 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mochi Green Tea Ice Cream Bon Bons!!!

I Present the Mochi Ice Cream Bon Bon!

Every year around this time I start to get that strong urge to get the hell out of my apartment and NYC in general.  Why?  Because I feel as if I have been holed up in one building only to go straight to another one and become holed up again!  I can’t stand the cold and feel like a hibernating bear trying to find that one special den to keep my cold butt happy all winter long until the weather improves.  Look, I know the groundhog predicted only six more weeks of winter, but I know better, the little dude is usually wrong and I know how NYC rolls.

Yep, I Tore Into the Packaging Like a Wild Animal!!!

Recently I have been thinking a lot about my trip to Japan several months back.  It really is an amazing country with so much culture and tradition, beautiful temples and wonderful food, especially the sweets.   So while walking through my local Asian Market to pick up some red rice wine and water chestnuts I stumbled upon the freezer section.  I was happy to see my favorite shrimp dumplings and grabbed a bag but not before my eyes came upon an amazing sight…Mochi Ice Cream Bon Bons!  Yes, Mochi Ice Cream Bon Bons in six delicious flavors! Immediately I was struck by the mango and red bean flavors, but I knew what my heart really yearned for and dug into the back of the freezer until I came upon what I desired most, the green tea mochi!  Yes, I love green tea anything, it's a subtle flavor when used in sweets, but a delicious one.  I also contemplated getting the mango ones, but the price was pretty steep, $4.50 for a box of 8!  I understand that it is a specialized product so I paid the cashier and was off.

Bag to Keep the Mochi Freezer Burn Free!
Vulnerable Mochi

I won’t lie, I know it is strange to be eating ice cream when it is 26 degrees outside, but I was missing Japan and some of the yummiest treats I had ever encountered.  Well, I will say this, the mochi ice cream did not disappoint.  Mochi is a unique consistency and one that many people many may not care for.  Me, I had to walk away before I ate the whole damn box!  The mochi was perfection while the ice cream was the perfect light creamy flavor I expect from my green tea ice cream.  The bon bons are small, but that is normal for Japanese desserts as with most places in the world, the proportions are small in comparison to the insanity of American plating.

Sweet Mochi Goodness

Though the ice cream is expensive, I fear that in the next few weeks, I may drop around $15.00 for three different kinds as the Mochi Ice Cream has affected me much like coffee does, it is like crack!  This time I would like to get the Mango and Red Bean Paste Mochi along with the Green Tea; it really is my favorite.  Yes, they have flavors like chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, but those are flavors I can get from the local freezer case everyday though not in mochi form.  I miss you Japan.  I love you mochi… 

Friday, January 28, 2011

We Need More Snow in NYC

Yum!  Fresh!

I know most people with disagree with me on this, but snow sucks!  Do I ever like it?  Nope!  This isn't a new thing for me either.  Ever since I was a kid, I have hated snow.  I just never understood the appeal!  I remember the first time I ever saw snow.  Being from California, I rarely came in contact with it.  In fact, I think I was 6 the first time I came face to face with it.  

One day, I woke up and there it was almost by magic!  I had never seen it in person, only on random TV shows here and there.  My Mom thinking this was a defining moment of my life bundled me and my brothers up and sent us on our way.  My first reaction to the barely covered green grass peaking out the blanket of thin snow?  There wasn't enough if it!  Maybe enough for a tiny baby snowman, definitely not enough for snow angels or sledding.  My second reaction?  This is colder than hell, I am going back inside where it's warm! From the comfort of my house I directed the making of the snowman, nose pressed against the chilly glass of the window pane.  As time passed, this sentiment did not changed,  I still hate snow!

I know most people find it to be pretty and peaceful, but they apparently have never lived in NYC!  It is even worse here!  In NYC, the snow lingers a lot longer than many other places.  Sure snow lingers in places like Wisconsin and Minnesota, but the difference is you do not have the amount of people in these places that you do in NYC.  By the end of the first 24 hours, there will be dirt, trash, dog poop and even vomit embedded in the snowdrifts.  Yes, vomit!  Why?  Because that's what the drunks do every damn night!  Puke!  In the end, the "pretty" snow ends up being defaced by the grossness that can be NYC.

Face Plant Snow Angel
Sadly, a few nights ago, we were hit by yet another snowstorm.  When I moved to NYC, I knew that the winters were a lot harsher than on the West Coast, but I never signed up for this craziness!  My friend from Wisconsin is even baffled by how insane the weather has been and he likes snow!

When the snow hit Thursday, nobody expected it to be as hardcore as it was, they only expect 2-3 inches to accumulate.  In my hood, we got about 8 inches while other areas got over a foot!  Unacceptable!  But who are you going to complain to?  Pretty much anyone who will listen, but it still won't do jack as Mother Nature will just tell you to shove it and dump another foot of snow on your ass!  Fantastic!

So on Thursday, struck with another bout of insomnia, me and my roommate ran outside at 2:00AM to finally have fun in the snow before the dog crap and Friday night puke desecrated it.  You have to move fast in these here parts my friend.  Look, I can't travel much in winter, in fact, I hate leaving the apartment, so I decided to flip my mind and pretend that I was in the Alps frolicking through the newly fallen snow.  It worked until I found a rat burrowed into the snow digging into a newly dumped trash bag...lovely!

So enjoy the marvels of the aftermath of 5 blizzards in NYC.  My favorite photo is the Hill O'Snow as I like to call it.  Its humble beginnings began in December during the first blizzard!  I am scared to know what lies at the depth of its center but will find out come April!

Climbing Everest!