Friday, March 11, 2011

Thinking of Japan

Temple Grounds in Nara

Japan is one of those special countries that you have a hard time erasing from your memory once you have left it.  Last Spring was my first trip to Japan, and while there, I knew it was special.  It is completely different from any of my travelling experiences thus far as it is a country rich in history, culture and deep rooted traditions.  

After I returned form Japan, I had hundreds of beautiful photos to go through along with amazing memories that kept swirling through my head.  It had been a successful trip and one that had definitely made it into my top three countries visited.  

Deer in Nara
As Spring approaches, I find myself thinking about it often. I can't get Japan out of my mind for soon Cherry Blossom season will be upon the country making Japan even more unforgettable than it already is.  You haven't fully lived until you have seen Cherry Blossom season in Japan.  To see the hundreds of people walking down the row of cherry blossoms in Ueno Park in an attempt to get the perfect photo.  You haven't lived until you walk through the historic streets of the Gion district of Kyoto trees in full bloom, hoping to get a glimpse of the Geiko (Geisha) as they hurry off to a nearby teahouse.  You haven't lived until you have walked through the traditional temples of Nara feeding the deer that dot the landscape cherry blossoms floating like light pink snow after a quick wisp of wind rustles through the trees.  It really is special and indescribable.  The longer I am away, the more special Japan becomes to me.  It really does stay with you in a way may places can't, it truly is magical.

I had thought about possibly going back this year, but having been there before, my travelling partner wanted to see something new.  Also, with the problems with the reactors and lack of supplies due to the earthquake now is most likely not the best time which is unfortunate.  For me, I am most impressed with how the Japanese are dealing with this tragedy.   There has not been one documented case of stealing anywhere within the region.  In fact, there are many cases of people sharing what they have with other people for the greater good of the community.  This most likely would not happen in any other country in the world.  To me, this speaks volumes about Japan and its integrity. 

Once everything settles, I would encourage everyone to go to this wonderful country.  You can see through this experience what an amazing and strong country Japan truly is.  Watch closely, in the next few years, Japan will come back better and stronger than before and I hope to go back to see it for myself.

I am thinking of you Japan during this difficult time and I can't wait to come back, you truly are unforgettable.   Text Red Cross to  90999 to Donate $10.

Springtime in Nara
Blossoms in Tokyo